Thursday, September 08, 2011

Zum Storchen

Schmidhofen is a little community about 3 km south from Bad Krozingen, but surprisingly, there's a Michelin starred restaurant there, called Zum Storchen. Excellent food, here's what we were able to sample....

Betty's appetizer: Gebratenes Zanderfilet auf Rotkrautsalat Apfelvinaigrette

My appetizer: Variation von hausgemachter Gänseleberterrine, Blätterteigtarte mit Zwetschgen

and Betty's in-between course: Perlhuhntortellini auf Kürbisragout mit Petersilienwurzelpüree

and her main dish: Entrecote vom Schwarzwälder Färsenrind mit weißer Pfeffersauce, Schnippelbohnen und Schupfnudeln

while I was able to feast on: Filet vom Schwarzwälder Bauernkalb auf geschmortem Kalbschwanz, Vichykarotten und Schupfnudeln

A nice way to spend a Sunday lunch!

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Dad: Cheese Lover Extraordinaire!

Not only are they tapas fans, and not only is Mom a beer guzzler, but Dad is a Cheese-Head Maniac!
How else do you explain his fondue cravings in Chamonix?

And Tapas too?

And who'd've thought that they're also big tapas fans as well?!!!
Casa Espanola in Freiburg.......good place to go for tapas cravings....

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Mom and Beer

Here's Mom again, drinking huge amounts of beer......
We never knew that she was such a Beer guzzler.....