Sunday, April 03, 2011

2011: The year of the Straußwirtschaft!

I declare 2011 the year of the Straußwirtschaft.....

This weekend we had 27 degrees Celsius of bright, sunny we did a very nice 50 km ride:
Freiburg - Hexental - Staufen - Heitersheim - Kirchhöfen - Pfaffenweiler - Freiburg

And given that 2011 is the year of the Straußwirtschaft, we stopped by the Lorenz-Straußi for a nice lunch. These Straußwirtschaften are great - they make their own wine, and serve very nice dishes.

Here's a nice view of the Black Forest from between Staufen and Heitersheim:

And some good eats: Bärlauchpfannkuchen mit Schinken und Käse and a Mixteller (Wurstsalat, Brägele, Frischkäse)

A closer look at the Bärlauchpfannkuchen....

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